LOGO : The DIGITART logo was obtained by the photographic images produced during the training course held in Konya (Turkey) at the Egitim Girisim Dernegi Foundation

Why Choose WEB PER TUTTI as Erasmus+ Partner?

The social promotion association WEB PER TUTTI is involved in four Erasmus projects on adult education. These are Strategic Partnerships for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices KA204. All projects address the issue of DIGITAL DIVERSITY, which is the primary objective of the Association. In-depth information and documentation can be found on the respective pages, accessible via the links https://www.webpertutti.eu/erasmus/

L’Associazione di Promozione Sociale WEB PER TUTTI è impegnata in ben quattro Progetti Erasmus sull’Educazione degli adulti. Si tratta di Partenariati strategici per l’innovazione e lo scambio di buone pratiche KA204. Tutti i progetti affrontano il problema del DIVARIO DIGITALE,  obiettivo primario dell’Associazione. Informazioni approfondite e documentazione si possono trovare nelle rispettive pagine, accessibili tramite i link https://www.webpertutti.eu/erasmus/

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Via Circ. Orientale, 4 Sulmona (AQ) ITALY
Email: info@webpertutti.eu
Telefono: +39 344 2745957

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of the author, the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.